28 July 2023

Helloo Alpha!

Apparently gen alphas are already in the market, they are able to decide what they want but still under their parents' supervision and care. What kind of brand will they seek in the next years?

Before we get into that, let’s understand more about the children of millenials.

Generation Alpha is not a return, but a new start.

The Generation Alpha encapsulates those who born between 2010-2025. The first batch of Gen Alpha basically came into this world when the first iPad was released, Instagram was launched, and “app” became the word of the year. As you may have guessed, most of them already live with screens in front of them before they could even talk or walk.

Thanks to their digital platforms these screenagers are totally into visuals and connected to all over the world.... just like Gen Z. But what sets them apart is they are way more into Artificial Intelligence (AI) than Gen Z as AI has practically been their BFF since they were little kids.

Now, let's talk about Gen A as the future consumers.

Gen Alpha and the Environment 

From the get-go, this generation has been all about taking care of the planet and being sustainable. According to McCrindle's survey in 2020, 81% of parents say their Gen Alpha kiddos have actually influenced their own habits to be more eco-friendly.

In Wunderman Thompson's survey in 2019, 66% of Gen Alpha wants to buy from companies that are trying to do good in the world. 67% of 6-9 year olds say they want to have a carreer that helps them save the planet. Speaking of the planet, google searches for "environment, social, and corporate governance have increased by 645% in the last 5 years. People are totally stepping up to be part of the change.

Generation Alpha and the Future of Tech

Gen Alpha are at the forefront of technological integration. Nowadays, they get fruitful ideas and influences mostly from youtube and video games and it will progress to more advanced technology such as much better Augmented Reality (AR) and AI in the future.

It is also stated in Wunderman Thompson’s survey, 41% of Alpha children intend to shop through Alexa when they get older. They will highly integrate more with their Alexa (IoT) and they may progress to getting their own Jarvis to do anything, including having orders delivered by drones.

Generation Alpha and Branding

Lastly, the brand needs to be more adaptive and creative because in the future there will be continuous volatility, more frequent changes in business. This generation especially expects and integrates algorithms and personalisation as part of their consumer experience.

"Build Experiences before Products"

Understanding that they will not only be future consumers, but also future employees. This generation expects and integrates algorithms also high-personalisation to their prefences as part of their consumer experience.

Audrey Fayeza, Steven Yang, and Felisia Irena